Interesting Photos Over the Years


Asian Ladybug cannibalizing eggs from native ladybug--competing species!

Ants grooming and tending their herd of aphids...peaceful husbandry!

Rather irritated and angry ant guard at opening of nest!

Subterranean aphid farming...husbandry in total darkness (carbohydrates and proteins! Yum!)-these were under a rock... (click here to learn)  Ants farm root aphid clones in subterranean rooms -- ScienceDaily

Foraging worker ant working its way back through the forest!

Birth of ones are and red are drying off and hauling ass!

Look closely--honeybee captured by its proboscis (tongue) by two mating assassin bugs.....

Green assassin bug perfectly camouflaged and waiting to capture prey!

Robberfly who has captured his dinner, a blowfly!

Some of my Master’s Degree babies.....blowflies, sarcophagids, and musca domestica...

...just like cows...aphids seem to always face in the same  direction....

Enormous “wheel bug” (Reduvidae).....eating a stink but and hanging out...